Sarris Spring Fundraiser
Spring Candy Fundraiser
** Deadline for orders is February 27th. **
Record your sales on the Sarris brochure. Brochures will be handed out at school to take home. Keep the brochure to reference when making your deliveries.
There will be a $50 Amazon Gift Card reward for top sellers!
Transfer your sales to the master sheet. Make sure that a parent or guardian completes the top of the form, including the student’s name, school, home phone, and home room!
Return both the white and yellow copies of the completed master sheet with cash, check, or money order made out to “Greenfield School PTO” on or before Feb. 27th. Checks cannot be made payable to Sarris – we will need to ask you for a replacement check if this occurs. We write one final check to Sarris. (Please note that if your check is returned by the bank, you will not receive your order until payment has been made along with a $30.00 fee – this is what the bank charges us for a returned check.)
Candy pickup is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29th from 5pm to 7pm. If you will NOT be able to pick up your order at this time, please go to the office and they will assist you.
Orders can also be made online!! It is very easy, just use group ID: 10-0635
Please be safe when attempting any fundraising effort!