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Snowflake Shop

December 11th & 12th at the Greenfield School Library

What is the Snowflake Shop?

Each year, the PTO organizes a holiday shop in the school library where students can purchase and wrap small gifts for family and friends. All items cost $2 and every student will have a chance to shop at the store with their homeroom. Items can be purchased with cash, check (written out to Greenfield PTO), or Snowflake Shop Vouchers. We also recommend that younger students bring in a shopping list to help keep them on track when shopping.  (For example: 1 gift for Grandma, 2 gifts for brother, 1 gift for friend, etc.)

Snowflake Shop Vouchers

The online store for Snowflake Shop Vouchers is now closed.  Students still have the option to bring in cash or check (made out to Greenfield School PTO) on Wednesday and Thursday.

If you purchased vouchers online, your student(s) will receive their vouchers from their homeroom teachers before they visit the shop.  

Volunteers & Donations

The PTO needs lots of help to run the Snowflake Shop! Please considering signing up for a shift here.  Families can also sign up to donate wrapping supplies here or donate to our Snowflake Shop Fund. Monetary donations help provide vouchers for students who are unable to bring in money from home.  That way, every student has the chance to buy a gift for someone.  If you'd like to donate funds, please do so here and indicate "Snowflake Shop Fund" in the memo. Contact with any questions.


У нас временно нет товаров для отображения здесь.

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