Welcome to the Pittsburgh Greenfield K8 PTO!

Who We Are
We are a dedicated group of parents/caregivers, teachers, staff, and other community members at Pittsburgh Greenfield K8 School. Greenfield K8 PTO is a Federal tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
2024/2025 Board Officers:
President: Danielle Genemore
Vice President: Erin Breen
Secretary: Marianne Holohan
Co-Treasurers: Jennie Crowley and Kate Anglin
Our Goals
To promote and improve the education and social environment for all students.
To encourage family involvement.
To enhance and enrich the school program in a way that offers creative opportunities for personal growth of all Greenfield K8 School students.
What We Do
Through fundraisers and effort from our volunteers, we support all of our students by helping to provide resources and support for our school's teachers and staff, sponsoring and organizing additional enrichment programs, and working to promote a positive, active relationship between home and school.
Get Involved
There are many ways for everyone in the community to contribute to the PTO, and we need your help! Here are a few ways to get involved:
Attend monthly PTO meetings and special events
Volunteer your time to help with events, fundraisers, and other activities
Donate items and funds to help enrich the educational experiences of our students
Subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media to stay connected
If you have any PTO questions or want to know how to volunteer, please email a PTO board member at ptogreenfieldk8@gmail.com